
Showing posts from April, 2021


Die europäischen Top-Teams haben am Mittwoch ihr Schicksal erfahren, als die Auslosung der 17 EHF EURO für Frauen und der 19 EHF EURO für Frauen sowie die anschließenden EHF-Meisterschaften im Büro des Europäischen Handballverbandes (EHF) in Wien stattfanden. Nachdem die 16 Mannschaften, die vom 8. bis 18. Juli an der EHF EURO der Frauen in Celje, Slowenien, teilnehmen werden, in vier Töpfe aufgeteilt wurden, enthüllte die Auslosung vier unterhaltsame Gruppen, die von einer mit Stars besetzten Aufstellung in Gruppe D angeführt wurden Ungarn, Norwegen, Rumänien und die Tschechische Republik. Ungarn, die amtierende Weltmeisterin, trifft bei einem Rückkampf der IHF-Junioren-Frauen-Weltmeisterschaft 2018 in Ungarn auf Norwegen, wo die Gastgeber gegen die skandinavische Mannschaft mit 28:22 siegten. Die ungarische Mannschaft ist nach einem 27: 20-Sieg gegen die Niederlande in einem anderen auf ungarischem Boden ausgetragenen Turnier auch die aktuelle Titelverteidigerin der 19 EHF EURO der F...

8 Tips For Enjoying Low-Cost Spa Treatments

There is nothing like entering a spa, forgetting the world outside, all the worries, and surrendering to the hands of those who know… The worst part, and the one that may not let us go to the spa as often as we would like, is the cost. of treatments. Find out how to have a low-cost spa budget to take care of your wallet, while someone takes care of you ... 1. Be true to your spa. Being faithful to a spa can mean savings because it is an excellent way to receive first-hand news about promotions and discounts that may interest you. In addition, a frequent customer can receive pampering and exclusive special offers, which always allows for increased well-being, without increasing expenses. 2. Spa packages. As a rule, the best low-cost spa treatments are those that are purchased as a package, that is, it is more economical to invest in a package of 10 relaxation massages than to pay for that dozen treatments is individual. If you know, at the outset, that next year you intend to have a hot...

14 Casual Dating Rules That Make Or Break Every Casual Relationship | 2021

Just because you have needs doesn't necessarily mean you want something serious. So, it's time to brush up on the rules of casual dating. Casual dating is great. Casual dating rules make it better. Because sometimes you just don't want to be in a serious relationship. But you want to spend time with someone and have sex, casually. There is nothing wrong with that. In recent years, casual dating has become very popular. Not everyone is ready for something serious. If you work a lot of focus on school and exams, having a serious relationship is not the most important thing. So this is where a casual relationship comes into play. Casual dating rules you need to know I've been in a couple of casual relationships, and I can tell you one thing: you must have rules. I know I know You do not want to have rules, but you do. Do you want this casual relationship to work? Or do you want to end up with a broken heart in a relationship that you decided would be casual? No one needs t...