The 11 great benefits of coffee for your health
Every day, more people discover the health benefits of coffee through moderate consumption.
And is that:
Recent research shows that three cups of coffee per day, in addition to being a great stimulant with a vasodilatory effect, prevent various types of cancer and diseases such as diabetes.
Now you are going to know everything about this excellent product.
Both its benefits and damages from excessive consumption. We will also discover the types of coffees that exist, the differences between natural and roasted coffee, and the styles of preparation.
Benefits of coffee that your health cannot miss
Consuming good coffee benefits not only physically, but also psychologically by providing increased energy, activity, pleasure, and enthusiasm.
Let's see what are the positive effects of the recommended consumption:
Clears the mind by increasing the level of alertness and attention
The component for which coffee has generated so many followers is undoubtedly its star active ingredient: caffeine.
An important psychoactive element that accelerates all brain activity by increasing the levels of norepinephrine and dopamine.
Studies carried out on people have shown that coffee, in addition to providing the aforementioned benefits, also improves essential aspects such as mood, memory, alertness, and cognitive functions.
In this way, coffee keeps you awake longer and reduces fatigue. For this reason, experts recommend not exceeding five cups a day, since in excess it can cause insomnia.
And is that coffee is a natural substance whose main benefit is to help yourself burn fat.
Increase physical performance
One of the main benefits of coffee is that it increases the level of adrenaline in the body thanks to caffeine.burn fat
This is something you can take advantage of by having two cups of coffee before going for a run, going to the gym, or playing sports. It greatly increases physical performance causing fat cells to break down, releasing fatty acids that the body uses as fuel. It is a great help to counteract fatigue, which results in an increase in capacity when processing visual information.So now you know how to increase your performance while training to take a coffee before.
Provides a large number of essential nutrients
It is always thought that coffee only clears the mind with the contribution of caffeine. What you probably won't know is that drinking a simple cup of coffee contains more antioxidants than most vegetables and fruits. To this we add vitamin B2, B5, pantothenic acid, manganese, niacin, magnesium, and potassium.With what you have before you, a powerful anti-free radical cocktail.
Decrease the risks of diabetes
Another of the multiple benefits of drinking coffee is in its power to prevent certain diseases.The most frequent diabetes is type two, which is avoided by maintaining healthy lifestyle habits, such as exercising while maintaining perfect body weight.
But caffeine also reduces the risk of diabetes between 23% and 50%, although there have been investigations that have even raised this amount to 67%.
Decreased risk of neurodegenerative diseases
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are the main neurodegenerative diseases that, unfortunately, are becoming more common every day due to the progressive aging of the population.
Studies have shown that a coffee drinker has up to 60% less chance of Parkinson's and 65% Alzheimer's.
Apparently, caffeine is a component that greatly influences these results that we just named.
Take care of your liver avoiding cirrhosis
Drinking four cups of coffee every day can reduce up to 80% the chance of suffering from this disease, which in most cases is usually fatal.Drinking coffee also reduces the risks of getting hepatitis.
The liver plays a very important role in our body regulating the metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins. Joining their functions to those of the pancreas, both are in charge of regulating glucose in the blood.
Being the most voluminous organ of the human body and being the one with the most functionalities in our body, it is of utmost importance to take care of it following the following tips.
And of course, do not abuse alcohol, since it is the component directly related to these diseases that we have just discussed.
you may read also Best coffee maker under 100
Fights depression states
Harvard University in Boston conducted a study showing that increasing coffee consumption reduces the risk of depression, especially in women.
The test was done by taking four cups a day, which had a 20% decrease in depression levels.
Again caffeine has been shown to be responsible, since women who consumed decaf showed little improvement.
The researchers also concluded that people who drink coffee daily have a 50% less chance of suicide.
Reduces the risk of colon cancer
At the American Society for Nutrition, they found that high coffee consumption reduces the chances of colon cancer. The tests were conducted with more than half a million people.
An anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor activity that caffeic acid possesses, while chlorogenic acid generates and stimulates neuroprotective functions.
Another study conducted in Sweden showed that drinking five cups of coffee a day also reduces the risk of breast cancer.
Boosts the effects of pain relievers
Caffeine is present in many medications because it accelerates their response and increases their effects by 40%.
Reduces the risks of having a heart attack
As much as coffee increases blood pressure, you should know that the opposite happens with the risk of cardiovascular disease, so caffeine is an important element in the prevention of heart attacks.This happens with a maximum consumption of four cups a day, so we again emphasize that you consume a moderate amount.
As you can see, there are many benefits of coffee.
Coffee damage
That coffee can become harmful to health is clear that it is linked to excessive consumption of coffee.
Nothing in excess is good. And caffeine was not going to be an exception.
But ... what are its adverse effects?
Having headaches
It was recently discovered that headaches are most commonly suffered by those who drink coffee in low to moderate amounts.
Unfiltered coffee causes cholesterol
Coffee filters absorb molecules called kahweol and cafestol, which are the ones that greatly increase cholesterol levels.
In this way, those who consume coffee prepared without a filter are much more exposed to an increase in cholesterol.
So, if you have high cholesterol, don't hesitate to use a filter coffee machine to reduce its impact.
Recommended quantities: how to take advantage of the benefits of coffee
Surely you are wondering, what is the recommended daily amount of coffee to notice its benefits?
coffee shop
Well, according to experts, medical specialists, and nutritionists, it is recommended that caffeine consumption does not exceed 500 milligrams daily.
That said, it seems somewhat difficult to calculate the amount you can take without going over.
That is why we have prepared the following measurement guide below:
Machine espresso coffee (30 ml): contains between 40 and 75 mg of caffeine per cup. Calculate 6 cups maximum
1 American style homemade coffee in a large cup (240ml): contains approximately between 100 and 200 mg of caffeine. 2-3 cups maximum.
The espresso machine decaffeinated contains between 0 and 15 mg of caffeine depending on the decaffeination process.
1 instant soluble coffee in sachet or bottle: it ranges between 25 and 175 mg of caffeine and decaffeinated between 0 and 12 mg.
480 ml Starbucks latte coffee contains 150 mg of caffeine. 3 cups a day is enough.
And McDonald's coffee of the same size is approaching 100 mg. 5 cups a day maximum.
So to simplify your life try to always drink the same type of coffee every day.
And it is that the amount of caffeine depends largely on the variety of coffee used (robusta, arabica) the type of extraction used and the concentration of the coffee as you just verified.
Differences between arabica and robusta coffee types
These are the types of coffee that are most often found in stores and supermarkets, so we explain the differences so that you know which one to decide when buying.
The most important is in the amount of caffeine that each type of grain contains and of course the flavor.
Arabica coffee
It is the tastiest and refined by far.Although it contains less caffeine than robusta coffee (between 1% and 15%), it is considered a gourmet coffee.
this is due to a greater elaboration of washing that, when extracting all the impurities, achieves a coffee of much more purity.
Robusta coffee
It is cultivated at low altitudes and dry climate areas like Africa and Indochina. It is a slightly yellowish and slightly aromatic bean, which is subjected to a neutral roasting that gives it a very strong flavor with a bitter touch.
It contains between two and three times more caffeine than the arabica bean.
How are natural coffee and roasted coffee different?
The best coffee is 100% natural Arabica coffee with no additives.
This does not mean that roasted coffee is harmful, simply that natural coffee is of better quality, is reflected in its flavor and aroma.
On the other hand, roasted is a coffee that starts being natural but that is mixed with abundant sugar during the roasting process, which causes it to caramelize.
This type of coffee will end up obtaining a more acidic flavor and a darker black color than any natural coffee.
Ways and styles of preparing coffee to your liking
Regular coffee is prepared using hot water that, by means of pressure and several minutes in contact with the ground coffee, results in a drink with the body and great aroma.
Espresso coffee is a preparation modality in which a concentrated coffee with a very intense flavor is obtained, which is prepared with the outlet of high-pressure water. It is a smooth coffee with a lot of flavors, this being the best preparation style for most coffee lovers. In summary: Take advantage of the benefits of coffee As you have seen, the benefits of coffee are very high taking it in its proper measure.
Therefore, this is a drink that is 100 percent recommended by dietitians, trainers, doctors, and psychologists. All thanks to caffeine and other beneficial nutrients that provide great physical and mental improvement. Preventing diseases such as diabetes, Alzheimer's or Parkinson's, and some types of cancers. According to recent studies.
In addition you are facing a powerful antioxidant and promote fat burning.
A luxury for those who want to reduce their body weight and improve sports performance.
It is true that coffee has had a bad reputation since its excessive consumption causes insomnia and increases blood pressure. But we can no longer deny that its consumption can also be very beneficial.
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