The importance of the psychic energy of the motivation to undertake
When we set out to start a new habit or break one we no longer want, our success or failure will largely depend on how motivated we are. For CNC Spokes Generally, when we talk about motivation we refer to the internal or external forces that act on an individual to trigger, direct or sustain a behavior. In technical terms, many authors define it as "the dynamic root of behavior", which means that every form of behavior is born from some kind of motive. Put in simpler terms, motivation is the psychic energy that pushes us to undertake or sustain action or behavior. Its disappearance necessarily entails the abandonment of what is done. Therefore, it is much more difficult to achieve goals when you lack motivation. Motivation is what allows us to create habits, try new things, sustain effort in some tasks that we consider rewarding or productive, and is even necessary to satisfy certain fundamental needs. On the other hand, one can distinguish between: -Positive motivation. It i...